Yesterday I highlighted PERC's excellent scholarship providing the intellectual tools to solve environmental problems. On the ground, applying cutting edge research in ecology, agroforestry, and social sciences are my friends at Paso Pacífico.
Forest rangers, turtle rangers, parrot protectors, environmental educators, herpetologists, big cat biologists, community organizers... These guys do it all from planting trees and monitoring parrot nests, to teaching kids ecology and conducting research to advance conservation science.
Whether you're interested in critically endangered sea turtles, biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, or fostering economic development in Nicaragua, Paso Pacífico is worthy of your support this giving season.
This Thanksgivukkah, I'm sharing eight points of light in what sometimes seems to be a dark and troubled world. Stay tuned for more worthy causes to support on #GivingTuesday (or any time of year).