Eight Days of Gratitude: PERC

"Conflict in priorities often is not only an environmental conflict. Often, it is an economic conflict, too -- rooted in differing economic circumstances." David Schmidtz teaches philosophy and economics at the University of Arizona. He has studied resource management in parts of Africa where subsistence farmers struggle to co-exist with the wildlife who destroy their crops.

Environmental conflict is often rooted in differing economic circumstances. The Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) explores peaceful and creative ways to solve environmental problems. 

On the second of my eight days of gratitude, I offer this thoughtful PERC video with philosopher David Schmidtz. I think Dave will make you thankful. For elephants, for sunsets, and for your safe and warm home with food on the table.

This Thanksgivukkah, I'm sharing eight points of light in what sometimes seems to be a dark and troubled world. Stay tuned for more worthy causes to support on #GivingTuesday (or any time of year).
