No More Socialism for Native Americans
Tribes don't need more federal grants, they need more revenue
Elizabeth Warren set a higher bar for wooing the Native American vote by calling for $10 billion in spending to stimulate economic development, build infrastructure and restore tribal sovereignty. She and her fellow Democratic presidential candidates who met with tribal leaders in Sioux City, Iowa, earlier this week, fail to recognize that tribes don’t need more federal grants, they need more revenue.
Across Indian Country, a philosophical revolution is growing among tribes that realize help from the federal government has held them in colonial bondage. As Native Americans were relegated to reservations in the late 1800s, the federal government stripped tribes of their rich heritage of self-governance, religious freedom and property ownership. In the words of the 1906 Burke Act, Indian lands and resources must be held in trust by the federal government on the premise that Native Americans were not “competent and capable” to manage their own lives and affairs.
Read more in the August 27, 2019 Analysis/Opinion section in The Washington Times.