Eight Days of Gratitude: Project WOO (Wave of Optimism)

Month #1 in Review

Eight Days of Gratitude come to an end with my 8th point of light: Project WOO (Wave of Optimism).

Those of you who've traveled extensively know that awkward time after large waves of tourists and dollars have begun pouring into a beautiful part of the world, but before all that new wealth has been invested in the kind of infrastructure which directly benefits locals. 

Filling the gap in the surfing hotspot of Gigante, Nicaragua are Lisa & Bo at Project Woo, organizing community members and voluntourists to teach English, transport kids to school, lead beach clean ups, and build a new community health center. Their initial capital campaign is over, and the roof is on the health center, but they can still use your support to buy medical supplies. 

Consider making Project WOO a beneficiary if you observe ‪#‎GivingTuesday‬ tomorrow. And don't forget the other seven organizations I've floated by you with my Thanksgivukkah wave of optimism.

This Thanksgivukkah, I've shared eight points of light in what sometimes seems to be a dark and troubled world. Read the whole series for more worthy causes to support on #GivingTuesday (or any time of year) .
