Customer Service Still King

Inc. offers 10 Reasons Customers Will Pay More

Chief among them are reasons of convenience (lower transaction costs & quicker turnaround). In the world of overnight delivery, how do you think you'll come out ahead with a "please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery" disclaimer?

Also important to the customer is signaling (the status-symbol effect), but there are longer term considerations. If you promise less work in the long run, the customer will choose your product. Forget about the rainbow of colors, low-maintenance functionality is how Apple really retains so many customers, at least on the Mac front.  

And here's why branding is still key:

Customers are human and humans prefer doing business with their friends.  That's one good reason that developing rapport is so crucial in customer relationships; it provides a buffer that keeps the competition at pay.

If a customer knows your story -- and your mission! -- she'll feel like she knows you. This is how you earn brand loyalty.